Acanthophora muscoides (Linnaeus) Bory de Saint Vincent


Acanthophora muscoides Bory


Thalli erect, rigid and cartikaginous forming bushy reddish to purplish clumps on the substrate; branching subdichotomous to alternate and with tendency to form whorls at the terminal portion of the thalli; main branches are cylindrical, 0.7 - 1.9 mm in diameter, tapering to acute tips which are sometimes annulate; determinate branchlets are usually in the form of simple short spines or sometimes compound spinous branchlets similar to A. specifera; cross section of a branch shows a small rounded central cell of 74 - 92 µ in diameter bounded by 4 pericentral cells which are 150 - 176 µ broad and 2 -3 cells thick medulla; cortex is composed of about two layers of very small rounded cells; cystocarp are ovate, urn shaped with a large opening or ostiole at a mammilate tips and are always borne on the determinate branchlets.

Distribution : Gujarat, Lakshadweep

Ecological status : Intertidal and subtidal zones

IUCN status :

Uses :

Culture/Cultivation :